Born raised and rooted in the neighborhood known as Tremé, I am a seventh generation Creole birthed into a community of Griots (a West African term for Storytellers and culture bearers) with a culture of Stoop Sitting and Storytelling. This is where I learned and honed my skills in the art of Creole Storytelling.
For the last 25 years I have been leading guided walking tours of the French Quarter and the Creole Faubourg Tremé, sharing the authentic stories of history, culture, and traditions of this unique city. I am active in the local Voodoo community and in the Black Masking Mardi Gras tradition. You can often find me street dancing the Second line dressed as a Baby doll.
Because of my connections to New Orleans’ Voodoo and Black traditions, I’ve been featured on several TV shows. One of this was the Travel channel show Buried Worlds with Don Wildman. Others included “Atlas of Sacred Places” with Sam Sheridan for the National Geographic channel and the award-winning PBS show “Monstrum” with Dr. Emily Zarka for the episode “Origin of the Zombie”. I have also been called upon to lecture and give private tours to Tulane University Anthropology graduate classes, and regularly give tours to grade school and middle school classes.
Storytelling about Creole culture and traditions, including Voodoo, Hoodoo, Mojo, and Magic along with its rites and rituals, is my life calling. And, I’m blessed to be able to share that passion all over the city. With every tour, I use my deep connections to my community to bring to my guests inside information and a deeper understanding of how this culture was born and why it survives and thrives to this day.
We are committed to curating and delivering the history, culture, and traditions of New Orleans through authentic stories that are told nowhere else. Our sole intent to make our guests fall deeply, madly, and completely in love with the most unique African, Indigenous, French, and Spanish city in America. We offer the true history of this city and treat the most difficult subjects with respect and compassion. We not only tell the stories of New Orleans – we are a part of its history and culture. Our tours will leave you wanting to come back for more every visit, which we promise will be very, very often.